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  • VIDEOLOGIC CONCEPT-K has everything you need.
    It offers everything you need to make a quick and accurate measurement (in 1 minute and 50 seconds you are ready to measure)
    Incorporates the latest Winlogic technology as well as other cutting-edge alignment technologies

    with range and offers all the possibilities to get perfectly aligned cars.

    Technologically advanced.
    Designed for Windows.XP istsa and WINDOWS 7, WinLOGIC technology runs on Microsoft Windows.

    The user easily controls all functions through Winlogic software, using graphics and images,

    and the use of wheel alignment is absolutely intuitive.

Showing the single result

Hexagon 19 ltd

Municipality of Plovdiv,
Plovdiv 4020 (center),
45 Miladivovi dross street.

Τηλ.: 0035 9896 643674

All our prices are listed WITHOUT VAT. At the Completion of your purchase, the VAT is automatically updated.
